Thursday, December 26, 2013

Intro to Spanish for Paraglider Pilots

                                          Launch site near El Condor, Argentina.

Winter is a slower time of year for free-flying in Alaska, and many pilots make a trip South in search of good flying conditions (I spent a whole year doing this myself in South America).  When local instructor and fellow pilot Frank Sihler ( mentioned to me he was making a trip to Mexico to do some flying I excitedly started rattling off some of the Spanish he'd want to know related to paragliding (and finding beer).  I realized there was more I could teach him that evening and that surely other pilots out there would want a quick reference for this kind of thing.  So, here below is a very cursory summary of some vocabulary that paraglider pilots traveling in Latin America will need to know.

Let me know if there are other phrases and vocabulary you'd like to have handy on this list!

(If there are any pilots out there looking for a Spanish translator to accompany them on their next flying trip, be in touch!)

El Parapente (The Paraglider)

La Ala (The Wing)
Las Bandas (The Lines)
El Arnés (The Harness)
La paracaídas de reserva (The Reserve Chute)

En la introducción del sitio (At the Site Introduction)

Despegar (To Launch)
El Sitio de Despegue (The Launch Site)
Aterrizar (To Land)
La Zona de Aterrizaje (The Landing Zone)
La Térmica (The Thermal)
Levantamiento (Lift)
Girar (To Turn)
Difícil (Difficult)
Fácil (Easy)

El Rotor (Rotor)
Alambre, Cables (Wires)
La Cerca (Fence)
El Toro (The Bull)

Weather/Site Conditions (El Tiempo/Condiciónes del sitio)

El Viento (The Wind)
Las Nubes (The Clouds)
Claro (Clear)
Fuerte (Strong)
Weak (Flojo)
Suave (Smooth)
Tranquilo (Calm)
Bravo (Rough)
Rápido (Fast)
Lento, Despácio (Slow)

Direcciónes/Orientación (Directions/Orientation)

Derecha (Right)
Izquierda (Left)
Adelante (Ahead)
Atrás (Behind)

Norte (North)
Sur (South)
Este (East)
Oeste (West)

Arriba (Above)
Below (Abajo)
Cerca (Close)
Lejos (Far)

Acá, Aquí (Here)
Ahí, Allá (There)

Geografía (Geography)

La Montaña (The Mountain)
El Valle (The Valley)
La Ladera (The Slope)
Empinado (Steep)
Llano (Flat)

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