Monday, May 28, 2012

Fly Site- Llacolen, Antofagasta, Chile

ParaglidingEarth Site Link (None)
Launch: (S 23°43’20”, W 70°25’48”)                             185  m
Landing Zone: The beach                                   0   m

Antofagasta is a large port city several hundred kilometers South of Iquique.  While Antofagasta might not have the same level of tourist infrastructure or white crescent beaches like Iquique, it’s flying sites are many and varied and well worth a visit for paraglider pilots.

Llacolen is a ridge-soaring site on the Southern edge of Antofagasta.  Awesome views of the coast, smooth laminar air, no obstructions other than a few antennae near launch.  About three kilometers of the ridge in a Southerly direction are easily soar-able.  Further distances should require experienced pilots with a briefing from local pilots.

Wind is principally from the Southwest and West.  Wind from a direction too Southerly will not serve to produce ridge lift.

I sunk out here once and easily kited my way part way back up the ridge, and jumped back into the lift band.  Where else could you get away with that but in a climate as awesome for flying as the Atacama desert?!

Notes on Launch: Launch is a smooth dirt/gravel clearing adjacent to some antennae.  Drop-off is fairly steep, so as always good launch technique is essential.  Flying to the North is inadvisable as the antennae obstruct the route.  Top-landings are possible.

Notes on Landing Zone: Landing anywhere on the beach is fine.  If you sink out right away, avoid rotor by not flying too close behind the tall buildings just below launch.  Expect curious kids on the beach.

Flyable days per year: Almost all of them.

Best times of the day: When I was there in April 2012, conditions became ideal at around 12:00 p.m.

Cost: No launch fees.

How to get there:

To Launch:
Head South along the coast until you see a large cluster of antennae close up on the ridge to the left, almost at the edge of the city.  City bus No. 102 or 103 both pass by this spot.  Launch is directly adjacent on the South side of these antennae.  To get to launch, you can either hoof it straight up the hill once you have your destination in sight (appx. 45 min hike), or even launch from half-way up if the lift is good.

If you have a car, there is a route through some neighborhoods and dirt tracks leading directly to launch.  I went out with a member of a local club who navigated the route for me, so I do not have the details of every turn.

Your best bet for having a good flying experience in Antofagasta is to get in touch with member of the local club, Club Termicas, and catch a ride to launch with them.  If you don’t have a cell phone, have them give you a place and time to meet.  Local instructor David Castro was also very helpful with putting me in touch with local pilots.

To Antofagasta: Recommended bus companies include Pullman and Tur-Bus, regularly scheduled trips are available from any major city in Chile, as well as from Jujuy and Salta across the border in Argentina.

Antofagasta also has an international airport with flights scheduled daily from Santiago.

Site description (Spanish):

Great information also available in Dylan Neyme’s guide book Condor Trail.
My awesome hosts in Antofagasta, Karla and Viktor, who I met through !

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