ParaglidingEarth Site Link
Niton is a ridge-soaring/dynamic site about a forty minute drive from Baños, Ecuador. Flying hours are generally from about 2:30 p.m. to sun down. Launch is on a smooth ridge top of about three kilometers in length. In strong dynamic conditions, it is possible to get quite a ways out from the ridge and have room for acro maneauvers. Mid-flight views of the active Volcán Tungurahua are truly impressive!
The launch site is private property owned by local Baños tandem pilot Edgar Soria. Get in touch with Edgar (, to arrange details of your visit. When I was there, he graciously allowed visiting pilots to accompany him up to launch free of charge- provided he had passengers booked for the day and extra space available. Otherwise, round trip transport from Baños to launch is 20$ U.S.
Notes on Launch: Directly below to the left of launch is a large stand of pine trees. Under no circumstances (i.e. even when launching or landing) should you fly too close behind the trees, as strong rotor is found there. To the right of launch is a low set of power lines, with high tension lines about a kilometer further to the right.
Notes on Landing Zone: Top-landing is easily achieved here. Be conscious of not landing on adjacent cultivated fields. If top-landing is not possible, choose one of the fields in the plains below visible from launch. Choose a field that is not currently in cultivation, which field is preferable will vary on the season. Ask local pilots for details.
Hazards: Power lines, high-altitude conditions. Weather conditions can change quickly and produce strong turbulence. Get a weather briefing from local pilots before launching.
Launch (N 1°17’11”, W 78°32’38”) 2993 m
Landing Zone (N 0°22’21”, W 78°5’25”)
Niton is a ridge-soaring/dynamic site about a forty minute drive from Baños, Ecuador. Flying hours are generally from about 2:30 p.m. to sun down. Launch is on a smooth ridge top of about three kilometers in length. In strong dynamic conditions, it is possible to get quite a ways out from the ridge and have room for acro maneauvers. Mid-flight views of the active Volcán Tungurahua are truly impressive!
The launch site is private property owned by local Baños tandem pilot Edgar Soria. Get in touch with Edgar (, to arrange details of your visit. When I was there, he graciously allowed visiting pilots to accompany him up to launch free of charge- provided he had passengers booked for the day and extra space available. Otherwise, round trip transport from Baños to launch is 20$ U.S.
Notes on Launch: Directly below to the left of launch is a large stand of pine trees. Under no circumstances (i.e. even when launching or landing) should you fly too close behind the trees, as strong rotor is found there. To the right of launch is a low set of power lines, with high tension lines about a kilometer further to the right.
Notes on Landing Zone: Top-landing is easily achieved here. Be conscious of not landing on adjacent cultivated fields. If top-landing is not possible, choose one of the fields in the plains below visible from launch. Choose a field that is not currently in cultivation, which field is preferable will vary on the season. Ask local pilots for details.
Hazards: Power lines, high-altitude conditions. Weather conditions can change quickly and produce strong turbulence. Get a weather briefing from local pilots before launching.
Flyable days per year: Unknown.
Best times of the day: 3:00 p.m. to sun down.
Cost: I was not charged any launch fees.
How to get there:
To Baños: Baños is a national and international tourist mecca and has regularly scheduled buses from Quito, Ambato, and Riobamba. You will be overwhelmed by the availability of hotels and restaraunts. As touristy as it is, Baños is a place truly pleasant enough to merit it’s hordes of visitors. You will not be bored here in your non-flying time with hot-springs, hiking, biking, and any number of distractions beckoning.
If you wish to shun the tourist bubble altogether, lodging is also available in Pelileo (closer to Niton) and famed for its local jeans manufacturing.
To Niton: From Baños to Niton is approximately forty minutes driving. Turn right across from the fire station in Pelileo. Navigation past this point involved a series of turns I can not recall precisely to reach a cobblestone road leading to the ridge top. Where the cobblestone ends, a dirt road leads to the right about 2 km to launch.
Website: (As of May 2013, this link is appears to be no longer active. I may be able to put you in touch with a local pilot if you contact me directly though!)
Edgar giving pre-flight simulations to tandem passengers. |
Drying equipment at Chez Roberto's, which was also my campsite for the week. |
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