Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Fly Site- Aloburo, Ibarra, Ecuador

Launch site above Laguna Yaguarcocha
ParaglidingEarth Site Link

Launch (N 0°22’39”, W 78°04’52”)                       2716 m
Landing Zone (N 0°22’21”, W 78°5’25”)              2197  m

The feature of Aloburo that makes it a destination is not only it´s thermic potential, but it´s location adjacent to Laguna Yaguarcocha, making it an ideal site to practice acro and SIV maneauvers.  Local instructor Jorge Duque offers SIV courses through FlyEcuador, a very helpful business that will guide you through any questions you have. Get in touch with me if you want to hear from a fellow traveler who took an SIV course here (I didn
't take the course, but I can put you in touch with a friend who did.)

The Laguna is located about ten minutes away from downtown Ibarra, and launch is another twenty minutes uphill by Jeep or Taxi.

Notes on Launch: The launch is a large grassy slope facing the laguna. Ridge lift is sometimes found along the face below, and a house thermal exists above the house with the collapsed roof on the ladera (ridge) leading down from launch.

Notes on Landing Zone:  The LZ is a large field adjacent the road encircling the Laguna.  It is easy to reach even after performing maneauvers over the laguna.  As of Dec. 2011, there were electrical poles installed near the LZ but thankfully no power lines yet.  There is plenty of room to park a car here.
Lakeside landing zone
Flyable days per year: Unknown
Best times of the day: Head to launch early, try be up top by before 10 a.m. as conditions can become strong quite quickly
Cost: Site fee is $1 per launch.  Pay the property owner who will take a break from hoeing his corn and potatoes to come collect from you.

Other: Ibarra has a strong community of pilots who will be happy to have you!  Hotel Imbabura is a paraglider-friendly place adjacent to FlyEcuador (near intersection of Calle Oviedo and Sanchez y Cifuentes) and is 8$ U.S. per night.  If they are full, there are dozens of other hostel/hotels within a few blocks.

How to get there:

To Ibarra: From Quito, buses headed North depart regularly.  Ibarra is about one half hour North of Otavalo, another popular traveler destination.

To Aloburo (Launch):  The route to Aloburo from downtown Ibarra involved quite a few twists and turns that I can not immediately recount.  Contact FlyEcuador for details.

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