Monday, December 12, 2011

Fly Site: San Felix- Medellin, Colombia

San Felix - Medellin, Colombia

Launch (N 06°19’50.7”, W 75°35’55.1”)
Landing Zone (N 06°19’23.7”, W 75°34’20.7”)

San Felix lies on the outskirts of Medellin, Colombia and has several launch sites.  For a first visit to Medellin, the site described here is relatively easy and accessible (although several other sites exist near the city, see ParaglidingEarth directory for more).  Thermal flights, ridge soaring, and long XC flights are all possible from this site.  As it is adjacent to a large metropolis it is also rife with hazards (power lines, restricted air zones, antennae), so be sure to receive a thorough briefing from local pilots, many of whom speak English quite well.  This is a popular site so you can count on someone who can help you.

From launch, the view of the city to the East is impressive.  Take off will be towards this direction.  Ridge lift can often be found on the spine to the left side of launch, and birds can often be seen circling in thermals out front.

If one can achieve an altitude of 1000 m above launch, it is possible to head West and “over the back” for a ~40 km XC flight to the town of Antioquia.

Notes on Landing Zone:  Top landings here are common.  However, if you bottom out the landing zone is a bumpy cleared area near the barrio of Bello.  Be sure you are confident in determining wind direction mid-air before landing here as there is no wind sock.  Facing down slope, there are power lines to the right of the landing zone.  The landing zone may also be used as a launch if the conditions are ideal, and you are as cocky as the local pilots I saw do it.  

Flyable days per year: Unknown
Best times of the day: Variable
Cost: Site fee is $5.000 pesos daily.  Pay at “AeroClub” building next to road.
Other: Nice little resturaunt on downhill side of road below launch.  Hotel about five minutes walk down the road (downhill direction) on left hand site.  Did not get the name, but “Hospedaje” is painted on the building.  However, many visiting pilots prefer to stay in Medellin.

How to get there:
To Launch from Medellin: Public transport in Medellin is a dream.  The Metro is safe, modern, and will be of great assistance.  Take the Metro to Estacion “El Caribe” (~$2.000 COP, $1 U.S) where you will get off and head left at the top of the stairs.  Here one will find the Terminal de Transporte.  On the first floor of the Terminal look for Desk #49, “Coopetransa” (not to be confused with “Copetran”).  Vans en route to San Felix leave for San Pedro (~$4.000 COP, $2 U.S.) every half hour or hour.  After approximately 45 minutes of steep uphill, ask to be let off at the Parapente site.  (If language fails, point at your gear and the message will get through).  There are a few signs that say Parapente, the first one is not the one you’re looking for.  Wait until you see “Zona Vuelo,” (N 06°19’50.4”, W 75°35’51.1”) where there are some stairs/trails leading uphill on the left (uphill) side of the road.  After paying the site fee, ascend the stairs to launch.  

To Metro from Landing Zone:
A trail (three minute walk) leads downhill from the landing zone to Bello.  From the trail, continue straight out to the first cross road.  From here, green buses marked “Bello” pass regularly.  Make sure the sign on front of the bus says “Bello” as well, and take the bus to the Metro (“Estacion Bello”) about 15 minutes away.  Ask the driver for “un integrado” when you buy your ticket, and keep the stub he gives you.  This stub will be your metro ticket.  

To head back up to launch again, take the metro (towards Itagui) back to Estacion “El Caribe,” where the Terminal de Transporte is located.

After landing, don’t be surprised to be mobbed by kids anxious to help fold your wing.  The kids that helped me were pilots too and very professional.  Even if you don’t need help, sometimes it’s not a a bad idea to part with a dollar to communicate that visitors are grateful to be able to come here.

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