Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fly Site: Tierra Negra, Merida, Venezuela

ParaglidingEarth Link
The launch site for Tierra Negra (N 08°28'47.8", W 71°18'46.2") is about a 45 minute ride outside of Merida, Venezuela just above the village of Las Gonzales.  This is one of the main sites for the local flying community and is used by several tandem flight operations.  Ridge soaring, as well as thermaling and XC flights are possible at Tierra Negra on the right day.  There is about 800 meters of elevation gain from the launch to the LZ, so even if you don’t catch any lift the ride down is 15-25 minutes.  Panoramic views of the Andes above the Rio Chama makes this an unforgettable flight.
If you only have a day or two here, the best option may be to try and catch a ride out to the site with a tandem guide taking a passenger out.  Transportation was about 50 Bolivares (Nov. 2011)- Venezuela’s exchange rate is a tricky subject, depending on your rate this between 5$ and 10$.

I do not recommend going solo to this site at least for the first time.  The LZ is a large, safe gravelly area- but requires a good briefing from fellow pilots.  The LZ is not visible from launch, and there are (dead) power lines crossing part of the LZ.

At the LZ, expect to have entrepeneuring children run up and ask if they can help fold your wing!

Flyable days per year: 300
Best times of the day: 9:30 a.m to 11:30 a.m., 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Best Months: Year round, December-February best for thermic conditions
Cost: N/A
How to get there:  
1.) Go with a local pilot- Contact a local pilot at one of several tandem guide operations listed below (“Websites”).  This is recommended for at least the first time.  Transportation cost will be around 50 Bolivares (6$ U.S.) round trip from Merida..

2.) Taxi- From Merida to Las Gonzales, cost is appx. 75 Bolivares.  From Las Gonzales to Tierra Negra, cost is appx. 70 Bolivares.  Depending on your rate, total cost would between 20$ and 40$ U.S..

3.) Public transportation to Las Gonzales- from the main Terminal de Pasajeros in Merida, look for a bus headed to one of the following locations: Lagunillas, San Juan, or El Vigia.  (Be warned that buses in Venezuela do not follow planned schedules, but depart when they are full or close to full).  These buses all head Westbound out of town on the main highway.  Your destination is an obvious bright red pedestrian bridge crossing over the road about 30 minutes away from the Terminal.  There is a “Tierra Negra” highway sign showing a picture of a paraglider one km. or so before your destination.  If your Spanish fails you, write out “Las Gonzales” on a piece of paper and show it to the driver.

Las Gonzales is a tiny town on the South side of the highway.  Follow the road towards the mountains to the South and there is a bridge crossing a creek.  You’re now in town, continue walking South towards the mountains.  There is an old bridge crossing the Rio Chama.  The blue Bodega at the corner by this bridge frequently has pilots, or locals who know pilots, hanging out with a Pepsi or Polar Ice.  This is best place to wait to see if there are trucks going up the mountain to catch a ride with.  Trucks are infrequent, but between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. is reliably a good bet for hitching a ride.

On foot, it’s about 1.5 - 2 hours hike up to the launch site, a large grassy ridge where the road flattens out.  I was lucky enough to find a place to stay in Las Gonzales, thus saving a daily commute from Merida.

Facebook: “Parapente Merida Bandasbteam” - Local pilot(s) who live in Las Gonzales.  
Xtreme Adventours:http://www.xatours.com.ve
Parapente Merida:  http://www.parapentemerida.com

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